Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 July 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Advertiser wuo caicbes a persons eye nsuallv wms a ■ cnstomer. Many ditlerent styles of advertising bave been adopted and witb more or less saccess, by the believers in the use of printers ink. Tbe m«nnfactnrers of Pears Soap, for instance. occasion allv bny paintings that bave beēn on exhibitiou in the Pnn’s i Salon and have lithograpbs made from them for the porpose of bringing their proilnct before the people. In addition to snch side issnes, Pear*spends hundreds thousands of dollars annually i among the newspa|>ers and mag- ! azines. Some years ago the Agents of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by haviug on Broadway dnring bns- | iness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearingvery high collars, on the backs of whieh was printod “Use Smiths Pills.“ The idea was norel and the pnhlie ; caught on. Bising Sun Stove Pohsh has been kept before the puhlie for years through persisi tent, and sometimes expen>ive advertising. Twenty cald years ago the mannfactnrers of this polish started half a dozen men acrossthe ornimeut to paiut sigus on rocks and fences. *The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales raoro than five bundred per cent in two years bv the use of printers ink. We beheve we have been instrumental in increasing the sales of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it iu Hawaii. We do not wish to saj' that ad- ; vertisiug will sell auy manufuctored article; there is no use sjaending raoney in adrertising •‘eheap and nasty” goods because the i>eople will not be homlwinked. If Haviland Ohina was ljot tbe superior article it is, all ; our advertising of it wonld not have sold the thousands of pieces that we have. We simply eall tho attention ol the people to it and its soperior qaality is appareat to the custoraer directlv a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helpeel the sale of the Jam«s Locked Fence but ■ it would not have doneeso if it bad been as fiimsy as the or dinay wirofence. First; tbe eeonomy tbere is in building it recommends it to the p!antation manager and | tben its durability ciinches the , the sale If the stays and washerscost as mueh as an ordinarv ' redwood post our sales of the material would not have reache«l such enormous proportions. Onr average sale of the Pansy : Iron Stov« is about two a day the | year ronnd. lf was not the best iron stove on tbe market we wouUl not seil tbat many in six months. Advertising is the tip to the puhlie the good points in i thearticle seils it just as thegood qualities of the Fischer Steel Kaage make it a desirable article ; for people who wish ftoeconomise in the nse of fnel. We buy only what has proven goo«l after people in the United States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experince if tbe arbeles are goood we buy and sell tbem; if they are poor we steer clear of ihem. Whea we advertise an aiiiele it is to at- ; tract attention to it; the news- ! paper ; s tbe botton we pnsb, the salesman does tbe rest Persistent advertising coupled witb the article being a saporior one has so)d tboasands of the Frank Waloot £mory File. If it had been no better than an ordinaiy scytka stone we probab!y woald not hare sold twenty. When a man finds oot tbak bis table knives may be keptsbarp at all times at an expense of nfty cfents and a very little elhow grea.se he is qaite willing to try the expenment. Tle iantt Wl Fort Sti Mt