Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 Iulai 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Profe?sor Adelstein’a musicale t j proroisea to be a 9uccess. A number of seat9 have »ire«dy been 1 Uken at L. J. Lerey’s office where i the box-plan is. Those who desire to enjoy a g'X>d masical entertain- ! ment shoutd not hesitate in order* ing ticket«. The coocert is oa the I7lh »D9t. A number of good Americans residing on Nuuanu street. be- ! tween King and School streets, ; are kicking on aeoouni of an item j in the HuUeiin of the 5th. stating . that the onlv decorations on tbe 4th in that qnarter of tbe town were displayedby Fr*nk Godfrey and S. Davis. They were all flying tbeir glorioos stars and 5tripes, and feel themselves as good Americans as lbe patriots meutioned by the BuUetin maa