Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT dus’.rtess of > FiTaci*rr N»tcre Tn>asacte<i. Prompt nttfntion givrn to the man.-igement of E4tates, Goan)i«u.s'.ii{<s. Trast». etc.. ete, etc. OijicM, : Ca.iirright Buildtng, Merchant Street. Hon.'lnin H. LOSE, N”otarv Puhlie. Colkc*or ami Oeneml Bnsincss Aymi. Paienlee of Lo.'e’s Chemical' Comkh n*d for CIarifying Cane Jutce. Sub-Agent for several of the Best FIRE INSURASCE COS. Mntnal i'elepnone a. P. 0. Dox 3SS. Merchaijt streel Honolnln. “fat eo^.” BAY HŪRS£35? 8AL00N I P. McINKRST, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and BeerJ Cornkh Pkthkl and Hotkl Sts. LEWIS & eo. Whoiesale and Retail Gro AND PEOVlSION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALM0N ONICE By Every 8nn Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmox in Barrels a Specialtt, II/ Fort St., Honolulu. Te/. 240, P O. Box 207-Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERiCKSBURG LAGER BEER On dranght and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, FOR COCKTAILS mayl 3ms CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WESTES, and SPIRITS ATerch.ant Exchange Corner King ana Nananu StrerU. S. I. 8HAVT....M»aag«r. The Eineei «eleeūon of LIQUOBS and BEFS. sold «arwbere in the toirn. Firet-cia»tt aUiiuiana-. CaO and jadge te joōxmU. oo 113-tf.