Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TjlE MID-ŪdEAJI POOL aad BILLIAED PAKLOK8 H. JCEN Propnetor MuTVAt ĪU- A P- O. Box :jS. . WING WO TAI & CO., No. »5 Ncvxxu Sttb*t. Hosoiar H.L, Commision Merchants, —I*TORTS.R' A>. DE.iLER> LN — Gen«ral Merchandise. Flae Manil» Cis*rf, Chine*« »r.J Jap»ne«e CrocKeryware, M»rtings, Visc- of »11 kinds. Campbonrood Tmnks, R»!'.an Ch»ir«. A Fine Assortment of Pre,s !»ilk*. Choi«est Brands of OiiHMe «nil J»p«ne*e Te»5 of L»tes» !mpor»»tion« Iiupeelion of -Vt» Goodt mJilrd. july6. \ NEW DEpspi(E the Haw’n Messeoffer Semee U L. M. Johnson, Manager Mulual Tel ,W9 Bell Tel 555* OFFICE in MABOXIC BI ILDING We are prepared to fttrni#h uniformeU mcssenuers »t »11 hoars. Promptnee» »nd satisfaction cuar»nteed. You ring us up »nd we will do the rest. Hourly rates 40 oent». For dist»nce r»te» «ee Me»ēenger» Map. Jr5 3m Winar Ohan* NO. S30 NUUANL* STKEET. HONOLULU 2v£exc3n.axrt □Ealloe A fine a8sortment of American. English and Scotch Cloths on haud gocd \vork and a FlRST CLASS fit gujtr,inteed Clothoscleaned it repaired jy71m JFor Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. |N THE CIRCUIT COURT. FIRST CIRI cnit of the Hawaiian Islands. In tbe matter of EKNESTINE GRAY, of Honoluln, Oahn, volnntary bnnknpt. Ūpon reading and filing the petition of said Ernestine Gray alieging that more than six months have elapscd since she »ras adjndged hankmpt, and praying for a discharge from all her debLs, it is ordered that FRIDAY, the 13th day of Jnly, 1S£*4. at lOo’eloek a.m. of said day, in the Courtroom of said Court, in AliioUni Hale, Honolnlu, be and the same is hereby appointed for hearing said appl.cation, at whieh time and plaee all creditors who have proved their daims against said bankrupt may appear and show canse, if any they have, why the prayerof said bankrapt should not be granted. Bv the Conrt: GEO. LŪCAS, Oerk. Honolulu, Jnne 26, 1S1H. 3t—eow

POUNI) MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby giyen to all persoim. that there is at the Govemment Ponnd at Makiki, two strayed horses. 1 black m«re, poorly condition, white spot on the forenead,*brand indiscrib«ble on , forefeet were shod. 1 dippled borse, brand indiscribable on theleft hip. Any person or persons owned the«e horses aie re»jnested to eome and take the aanieon or before the d»y of saie. 12 o'eloek noon SATURDAY. JULY I4th. 18W. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, June 29th. 1894. 1-w dly. Ntortgacje' , s !Nsotice of Intention to and of Sale. In accordance with the prorisions of certain Mortgage, made by KAAIAKALA (k) of Pneopaku, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. Q. Hitcheoek, dated Aneust 16. 1890. reoorded in Liber 126 on pa«es 236 and 256 and dnly aasigned to Kini Kanaeholo, dated October 9. 1891. recorded in Liber 126 on page 257. Notice ts bereby given th*t the mortgage intends to foieclose the sam« for condition broken to writ: nonpayment of pnneipal and inteiw»t notiee is Ukewiae given that aRer the expiratiou of three weeks from the date of Uūa notice, the propertT convered by said mortgage will be adr«tH*J for nk at puhlie anctk>a at Hilo Court Honae on Satarday thc 14 day of July, 1894, at 12 noon of said <*ay. Pnrther partionlats ean be h*d ol Kinney M. Konhon attomey at law. Dated, Hik>, Jane 18th. 1894. Terms Ca*h. Dced» at tbe eipenae oi pnrrhaaer. kini kanaeholo. Th« premises com«ed by «nid mortg*ge C °TRB h anrfiri<iea intrest in tbe Ucd de*crihed in Boyal Patent Nnmber 1026 and more particnlariy doacnbcd in deed from Kelukelekahi to KamkaU made 4tb d» y Febrcary, A. D. 1990, m»rded in L0mt IS7 " 40 and 41.