Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 Iulai 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Manager Daley who, a short while ago, entertained Honolulu together with his company will leave San Francisco on the Mariposa for this port, bringing a first class troup for a series of performances.
Buenos Ayres (via Galveston) June 11.--The coup d'etat in Paraguay Saturday ended peacefully. Not a shot was fired. Generals Egusguida, Caballero and Escobar, each of whom is a candidate for the Presidency, entered into a conspiracy with the Minister of War to overthrow President Gonzalez. When the President, accompanied by the Minister of the Interior and the Chief of Police, was entering Congress in Assumption he was suddenly surrounded and arrested by armed men, who compelled him to resign his office.