Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Strictly Non-Partisan [ARTICLE]

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Strictly Non-Partisan

Tbe Secretary of tbe Republican Leaene of PoliticaI Clubs autbor- ’ ized to be sent to Mr. Dole tbe j suggdstiou that tbe provisional goverumeut send to tbe meeting of tbe clubs soon to be beld in ! Denver un agent to speak before | tbat body on the policy of annex1 ation. President Dole replied that it \vould be unwise for the provisional government or tbe political organization whieh sup- ! ports it to heeome identified with any political party in tbe United States. wheu all eonlain friends and advocates of tbe annexation- ' ists’ policy. He did not wisb a i party matter to be made of tbe i|nestion but an American one. Tbere is no doubt that tbis was tbe wisest thing for Mr Dole to | do. Hawaiian atfairs are not in a I very presentable condition and tbe less there is said just now abont Mr. Dole’s “repnblic” tbe! better for bim and his party. From a Demoratrc party stand1 point it is to be regretted that the Hepuhliean clubs were not atforded tbe desired opportnnity to pose before the conntr\* as ! friends of annexation of tbis re- [ i public whieh disfranchises ninej tentbs of tbe people and derives i ever)' vestige of its power from a! | liiile army of foreign birelings.— j i South West.