Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 Iulai 1894 — PISTOLS AND NO PRAYERS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


How Mr. Dole Makes “ Repnblics.” A shm crowd gatbered at tbe I Palaee on the morning of tbe 4tb lo witness the proclamation of Mr. DoIe's repnblic. In spite of tbe oHieial statement tbat tbe aeremony would be purely civilian •nd tbat no military display vould be made. tbe basement was lilleil with arraed men. Others ) were stationed on the roof of tbe i Palaee. and raore armed men were in the Opera House and adjoining buildings. Tbe republieau cooks were evidently very nevvous, aud tbere wss evidently | a stiong incliuation toget tbrougb , witb tbe jobandgetoutof tbe way. j Most ot the councillors and deie j gates carned pistols in tbeir j j>ockets and were feeling un- ! bappy. Tbo bnrry was so great tbat our * inissiouary friends «ven forgot to open tbe proceed- | ings witb prayers. Pastdr aia- j anau was tbere for tbe purpose, but tbe master of cereraonies W. 1). Sraitb conldn’t wait for tbo prayers. No blessiug will eome to tbis govermnent. Mr. Dole tead an address and a proclaraatiou raakiug biraself President for six years witb #1,000 a raontb salary. Tbe women and cbiidren preseut cheered. A lots of oatbs weretiken. Mr. Lntber WilcoX adrainistered tbe oath to tho Cabinet, tbe councillors bang on { to tbeir pistols. Professor Berger ; played “Hawaii Pouoi” followed j bv “Praiae CTih1 from wlioni all blessfngs flow,” uud witb a deep i sigb of relief tbe brave men dis persed aud we are told tbat a M republic”- bas been formed. Adrairal Walker took in tbe sigbts, but uot iu au official «apacity, »imply walking aronnd »ntbe gn»unds in fatigue uuiform. No dip!omats werc present and very liltle entbusiasra. Notbing bad been arranged or prepared for. Tbo oatb was uot draft»l and ererytbing waa done iu a most; slip-sbod manner. And so tbe j Hawaiian republic was declared ) witbont the sauction of people, j w itbout prayers, but witb display ! of pistols aud ritles. Mr. Dole yet. bopes tbat bis fiimsy fabric j will l«st and be of benefit to | Hawaii -or at least to bim and bis clique.