Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DAINIPPON Hotel street (Arlington Block.) A »boT« Store h*s rocnre<l anolhei gplendid Inro;oe of |!APANESE J$1LK, pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMi'RLSI>G — BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Prww Goods in all shade, plain and tigured, Cushions Table Cover*, Bed CoTers, Gowns, e'hemiaea, Shawls. Silk Crape Hainhow Silks, All Colore Fancy Draperies, EMBR01DERED HASDKERCHIEFS Doillies, Scarfs, Sa&hes, JackeU, Caj«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pricea of these Goods will astonish you ibcluding ELEGaNT SILK KIM0N08I Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cossies, L1RGE 1>D SMALL JAP1JIESE KUGS Silk Unibrellas, light but strong; Chair Saddles, Silk; Bamboo Blinds, fitted with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JAPANF.SK SCKEENS, From $3 Vp. L1RGE J1PA>'ESE UIBRELL1S Can be Set with Pole In the ground, niee for Pieniea or Lnnches out of doore, they ean be opened out or used as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IN GREAT VARIETY |3rinsjiection Bespectfnlly Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress, Aprl2-3ms JUST ARRIVED. 53 q q BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, > A •A L 1 IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES HAKD SlWD»Q MACHiK3S, jy AU With the Latest Impm^emenU^] paklok; Ora:ans, Guitars An ifOther Mueieal Instrumente. \Vines, Liquors, Beer alwats on hand, and FOB SALE BT ED. H0FF8CHUEGEB l C0. King 81. oppo. Castle k Cooke*» PACIFIC 8AL00N, Corner King and Nuuann Streets. EDW. WOLTER.. • • Tbe Fineet aeieeoon of LTQDOSSaad EEE1. eoW anywfcere in Um hnrm. F ret-eUaa attecdenc*. CaU and judge ior yo«»elf. *> 9k~ti.