Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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j(nm Tk_ j«- f- O. B-ox 15«. WING WO TAI & CO., Xo- t; Xcv*stj Stmit Hcsoc.vur H. L Commision Merchants, —I*POBTKKS De.U.£K5 IN— General Merchandise. Ftu< MaoK» Chin«s« «n4 Cro<k«-rTw»r«. M«?tiDjr«. ol au'I kirxJ«, Omj>h*>nrood Trualt», K*t!»n Chiit». | A Fin« Assortm«nt of Dr> »> C!nie(«t Bntnt? of Chin«« »cd J»5«nes« T. »s of L»te*t lmport»tion« ' Impertio% o/ .Voc Oood* rf*pett/uUg toiiUd.

\ IIEH/ ihe Haw’n Wmmī Service L. M . Johxsox, Manager M utu»l Tel 599 Bell Te! 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BITLDIXG ffe »re prepared to fnrni?h uoifonned me«sencers at »11 hours. Promptn<*ss »nd s»tisf»clion cuar»nteed. Tou ring us np and we will do the reat. Hourly rates -6) cents. For dist»nce rates see M ssengers Map. jvā 3m For Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORX LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy oth. . * I Kwong Sino: Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladies's Shoes. Xo. 407 KincStreet, ne»r “Holomna.” july 5 YEE CHAX, OEALEK IX Fiqe Fiir l ni£hing C{ood£ Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese and Japanese Handkerchiefs Xos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. Honolulu, P.O. Box 253. jy5 IX THE CIRCLTT COCI£T, FIRST CIBI cnit of the Hawaiian Is!ands. In the matter ofERXEST!XE GRAY, of Honoinlu, Oahu, volnutary hanknpl. Upon reading j aml filing the petition of said Ernestine Gray alleging that more than six months ' have elapsed since she was adjudged baukrapt, and praying (or a discharge from all , her debts, it is ordered that FRIDAY, the I3th day of July, 1994, at lOo’eloek a.m. of ; said day, in the Conrtroom of said Conrt, in Aliiolani Hole, Honolnln, be and tbe same I is hereby appointed for hearing said apph- ; cation, at whieh time and plaee all creditors ! who have proved their claims against said bankrupt mayappearandshowcanse, if any they have, why the prayer of said bankrnpt shonId not be granted. Bv the Conrt: GEO. LUGAS, Clerk. Houol Tu, Jnne26, 1994. 3t—eow POl;ND MASTER'S NOTICE. Xotice is hereby giren to all persous, that there is at the Governmeut Ponnd at Makiki, two straye<l horses. 1 hlaek mire, j poorly condition, white spot on the foreh*ad. brand indiscribeble on , forefeet were shod. 1 dippled horse. brand imiia- ! cribable on the left hip. Any person or persons owned these horses are reqnested to eome and takc the j same t>n or before the day of sale. 12 o'eloek noon SATURDAY. JULY 14th, 1894. JAM£S KUKOXA. Ponnd M»ster. Makiki, June 29th, 1994. 1-w dly. NTortgage 4 s ZXotice of Intention to ITorclos© and of Sale. In aeeonianee with Ihe prorisions of c«ttain Mortgage, made by KAAIAKALA (kl of Pneopakn. Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hiieheoek, dated Angns; 16. 1990, reoorded in Liber 126 on page* 256 and 258 and dnly i assigned to Kini Kanaeholo. dated October - 9. 1991, reconied in Liber 126 on page ‘237. Xotice i» hereby given that the mortg»ge intends to foieclose the same for eondition broken to writ; noapayment of pnnnpal and interest nouee i» iikewwe given th»t tbe expiratk>n of three weeka from the date of this notice, the propertv ooDTeyed by md mortg»ge will be »dvertised for »»]« »t pnhlie »uction at Hilo Conrt Hoase on Satnrday the 14 day of July, 1894, at 12 noon ol said day. Farther paiticaiars ean be had of Kinney M. Koahou attorney at Uw. Dated, Hilo, Jone 18th, 1994. Tenns Ca*h. Deeda at the expens« of porchaser. KIXI KAXAFHOLO. The piemāaee cor*nd by *aid mortgage oonsists of, Tbe andiridcd intre»t in the kod described in Boyai Patent Xutnber 1028 and more panjcul»riy deactifaed in dand trom K»HiW«>k»hi to 'Kaaikak made 4th ds y ot Fcbraary, A. D. 1800, reoorded in Ltb*r 137 n pag*a 40 and 41. i