Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 156, 6 Iulai 1894 — Took In The Sights. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Took In The Sights.

Mr. Geo. Lycurgus who returned to town ou the Mariposa entertained a number of his fellow pasengers yesterday. Among them were Mr. J. J. j Archer a prominent horseman frora India, Messrs. Bankier, Bruno, Bendyshe, and several others. The visitors drove to Punchbowl and to Waikiki, and expressed themselves as charmed with tbe tropical scenery. George Lycurgus says that he had a splendid time on board the Mariposa coming down, and found his fellow passengers very congenial and entertaining.