Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — A TREAT. [ARTICLE]
The VanderlipCompany is Here. Every chair is taken. Every j seat is engaged for to-night’s performance at the Opera House. : The famous Novelty Company of r Vanderlip arrived on the Belgic. ! and through special arrangeiuents with the steamer are enabied to give one performance. i Mr. L. J. Levey has uaade good preparations for a rousiug weleome to the renowned actresses aud actors and only seats in the gallery *aud a few chairs ean be obtained now. Miss Eisie Adair whose renown as ‘'the" Serpentine dancer bas ( preceeded her arrival will show I our astonished citizens what ean be done in the line of “balleting." The names of Bessie Grey. Fannie Liddiard, Dolores, Helen Mackey and Edith Chatterton, 1 are familiar to every theater goer in America. Don’t forget tbat this is positively the only performance. They can’t stay here, j yon know. They aro off for īndia. | Tiy to squeeze in. Bribe Levey or go up stairs. Dream that we are civilized for onee.