Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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— Xew Haven. (Conn), Jnne 26. ; Before a great crowd of alamni, motbers, sisters. brotbers and ! protty girls, tbe Yale Jbaseball ; I te>»m tbisafternoon dragged down ( tbe banner of fair Harvanl and • | traileJ it in tbe dast of Ya)e 1 field. Wasbingtoo, Juno 26. Tbe fears of tbe Administratinn tbat war is irominent between Ohina | and Japan as a resalt of tbe Corean troables was considerably allayed by tbe receipt of a dispatcb from Rear-Amiral Skerret, commanding the Asiatic squadron.