Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — A TOP-HEAVY NAVY. [ARTICLE]
Eome had its Brutns, who in slaving the head of the state i pleaded that he was fired by patriotism: “2sot that I loved I Ciesar less, but th»t I lovedRome more.” 'Ihe United States whieh claims to be the greatest republic ; on earth —a modern Eomo among nations—sports a literary, if not physical Brutus in almost every nniformed n«val officer, who ap- : pears ready lo do anything to, or for the President. The latest * Sample of Brutus —like spokes- ! man for the United States and its President, is Captain Cochrane of the Philadelphia, who yesterdnv appeared iu the dual capacity of espounder of the President s policy, and judge advocate for the Hawaiian oligarchy. The ! very mneh revised edition of Mr. , Cochrane’sspeecli whieh appeared in this morning’s p. g. Adverti<er, while shorn of mueh of f i tbat flowery rhetoric for whieh the armed American patriot iu Hawaiian waters has become famons; contains enough to disgust ererv honest man who ean ■ take bombast at its face A*alue. I Captain Cochrane is wastiug his • eloqnence and his euergies on a few lava rocks of no great value to | any one, except«ng to the peaeeable and bospikable peoplo whose l libt-rtiesandexisteuce he wouldaid a few platocrats in exterminating. , lf he is sincere in tho desire to I wipe out Mqnarchy Iet him seek a (oeman worthy of his boasted ! steel and he need not travel far. ! New Zealand and Anstralia are groaning nnder the weigut of : Monarchy, aud, possibly, only Uwaiting the arrival of snch a ' Peter the Hermit as Cockrane, i with Popeom Jones’ tales of his jgrandfathers, to complete the leolonial paralysis. The people of the United ! 1 Btates may wake np some fine j morning to find a foreign war in | tbeir hands lhrough the aclivity of the ’W»ltse. Lneian Young and <3ocbr*ne family. When a naval understrapper thinks himself en- ■ titled to be the j>olitical monthpieee of the head of the Nation, 1 it is * snre sign that the Naval ta.il is gomg to wag the Nation, j and is growing too top-heavy to i be safe for pnblic service.