Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — A DASTARDLY DEED. [ARTICLE]

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President Carnot Killed by a Cowardly Assassin. The civilize«l world to<lay stands aghast, and looka with horror at the spectacle of tbe assasiuation of tbe Chief Magistrate of France. The cowardly crank. who vented his false anarcbistic ideas by stabbing to death Sadi Carnot claims Italy as his plaee of birth. The Tuorder took plaee on the 24th of June in broad daylight in the streets of Lyons. The mnrderer was captured and tbe poliee had to protect him against the vengeance of the j>eopie. His name is Santo. He is 21 years old, a baker by tn»de, and one of the misguided followers of the nihilists and auarohists. Sadi Carnot. the assassinated President of tbe French Republie was born in 1837. He was not a brilliant ronn. not a ruler who made a mark in history. But he was a peuceful, harroless. and honost patriot in whose hauds the destinv of France was safe. His term would have expired shortly, making his raurder so mueh more honible and inexcusable. His death is an eveut of most enormous magnitude to tho world. His successor CasimirPerrier is a man built of ditibrent materiab He is a “royalist” to the backbono. He is an urabi%itious determined. aud uuscrupulous politiciau. His great personal wealth and his unflinching conrage will assist him in opening au era for France. frungbt with danger to tho peaee of the world. The indiguation universally exj)ressed by the heads of all the governments of the civilizetl world will havo a practical result. and the evil head of anarchy, of murder and of lawlessness will be crushed. The fol!owing ofticial dospatch to the French government from the Italian Premier Crispi well expresses the sentiments of the meu of this century: Deeply atfected at tbe news of tbe imsdeed whieh has robbed France of ber first magistrate and Italy of a friend. 1 beg to express the feelings of horror and pain lelt by tbe King’s Government and the whole lUlian nation.and mv personal grief for the illustnous man France has jus( lost. He was attached to me not only by ties of admiration, bnt by sinoere friendsbip. Assassins have no conntry. and the conntries to whieh tbese criminals owe their birtb are the first to repndiate ihem. France and Italy ean see in the assassin only an enemy of humunity.