Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRIGHT Busjn«,*> of * Fidn«My S*tnr? Tmn»»cte<L j Prompt attentk>Q pvet. to thv mona£ement of Esutes, G'i*nlia.nships, Trnsts, etc., etc., -etc. 0m&*, : C&.iicrigh( Bnil<liiig,\ Merchant Stxeet. H»r.ohiln ti. LOSE. >Totarv "Public. Co11cctor and Gcnera1 Rusincss Agcnt. Patentee of Lose’s Lhkmioal Compuuxd j ( tr Clar»fying Canc Jutu. Sub~Agent for several of ihe Dest FIRE L\SURANCE COS. Mnlnal 'l’eleplione o. V. O. Box S38. Merciumt »treet. Honolnln. “FAT BOV.” BAY H0RSE 8AL00N ! P. MelKEUN'i', Fropkietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. CoR.vm Bkthel asd Hotrl Sr«. LEWI3 & ee. Wholesaie and Retail Gro AKD PEOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By ETery 8an Francisoo Steainer. Salt Salmok ik Barrels a Specialtt. iii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. /iox 207. Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Auother Iuvoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG . LAGER BEER On draught and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, for cock:t^vils mayl 3ros CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WHSTES, and SPIRITS jS£erch.ant Exchano;e Comer Ring um Knnann StmU. S. I. SHAW Mia*gsa-. Th> Fines-t *eJection ct LIQUOBS »nd REKK, aotd acywhere in the town. Fir5t-ci*sa ttlarbiar.ee. C*Q asd jndgo for youi»elf. no 113-tf.