Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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J\ NEUi/ Ihe Haw'ii Mcsseoger Semce L. M. John?on, Manager Mutu»l Tel 590 Bell T*1 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BUILD1N*6 Wc are prrpared to furnl»h uniformed mes«enzer» at al' bonrs. Promptn«e« and aatisfaction 2uaranteed. Tou rinj[ us np and wc will do tbe rcst. Hourly ratee 40 cents. For distance rate» see McSMfniters Map. jy5 3m .Por Sale! Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORX LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy ōth. Sing: Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Gooth, Men and Ladies's Shoes. No. 407 Kins: Stre«t, near “Holomna.” july 5 Yi±:ii: chan, 1)EALEK IN Fii]B (qond^ Kine Tailorin" Fine Chinese and Japanese . Handkerchiefs Xos. 31 to 33 Nnuanu St. Honolulu, P.O. Box 253. jyo |N THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST CIRI cnit of tbo Hawaiian Islands. In the matter ofERNESTINEORAY, of Honolnlu, Oahn, Toluntary banknpt. Upon reading and filing the petition of said Ernestine j Gray alleging that more than six months have elapsed since she was adjndged bankrupt, and praying for a discharge from all her debts, it is ordere<l that FRn)AY, the ; 13th day of Jnly, 1894, at lOo’eloek a.m. i aaid day, in the Conrtroom of said Conrt, in Aliiolam Hale, Honolulu, be and the same j is hereby appointed for hearing said apph- ■ cation, a’t whieh time and plaee ull cmlitors j who have prore<i their elaim» against said ! bankrnpt may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said bankrupt shon1d not be granted. Bv the Conrt: GEO. LUCAS, Clerk. j Honolniu, Jnne*J6, 1894. 3t—eow POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Noliee is hereby giren to all persous. that ! there is at the Government Pouud at Makiki, two strayed horses. 1 hlaek mare, , poorly condition, white spot on the foreI head, b»nd indiscribable on , forefeet : were shod. 1 dippled horse, brand indis1 cribable on the left hip. Any person or pereons owned these 1 horees are reqnested to oonie and tske the j same on or l>efore the Jay of sale, 12 o’eloek i uoon 8ATURDAY. JULY 14th, 1894 JAM£S KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki. Jane 29th. 1894. 1-w dly. AXortgao;© , s 2s oti.ee of īntention to lforclose anel of Sale. ln acoordanoe with tfae prorLsions of certain Mortgage, made by KAAIAKALA (k) of Pneopakn. Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hitcheoek, dated Angnst 16, 1899, recorded in Liber 126 on p<ages 256 and 258 and dnly aasigned to Kini Kanaeholo. Jated October 9, 1891, reoorded in Liber 126 on poge 257. Nolioe ia bereby giren that the mortca«e intends to forecloae the same for condicioc broken to writ: nonpayment of pnneipal and istereat notice is likewiae given that after ihe eipimuon ol three weeka from the date of this notioe, tbe propertr conreyed I by said mortgage wiii be advemsed for aale 'i at pahlie aneUon at Hilo Coart Houae on Satcrday tbe 14 day of Jnly, 1994, at 12 neon of said day. Fnrtber parūculare oan be bad of Kmn#y M. Koahon aUorney at law. Dated, Hilo, june I3tb, 1394. Tetms Caeh. D€eda at the eipeeae of pnrchaaer. KINI KANAEHOLO. Tbe pmaaōea oorend by aaid mongage The nndtrided iatreat in tbe crihad īa Royal Xnmber 1028 acd F«bra*TT, A. D. 1380, reeotdad la Libar 127 a p«gaa 40 aad 41.