Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0NST1TUTI0N and LAWS Framed l»v the Missioimries. * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN 1 ISLANDS. « Furthermore, those country people who search for knowl ; edge, whoever they may be and in whatever part of the kingj dom. if tbey write to me or my Premier, and wo perceive 1 that tbeir proposition is a good one. it ahall then be adopt|edas a statnte o! the kingdora. Tho Governors and tha King too will suffix their names to the wriling. They will also promote snch seekers after knowledge to highor stations and make thera officers in their varions places. And such persons shall receive one tenth part of the King’s ineonie at tbeir statiou, and also one tenth part of tho land agent s ineome. Such is the reward whieh his Majesty otfers to all in the kingdom who act as above, and tbey shall raoreover be adraitted to the eouneil of the nation. Fnrthermore, whoever of the conntry people engages vigorouslv in anv new enip!oyment, not practiced in this eouni try before, and if it prove to bo n valnable businesa to the nation, and to those who engaged in it. aml if it was previously unknown, tben this is the decision iu rolation to sucb a raau. He sball be freed from public labor on all the ' 1 labor days both of the King and of the land agcnts aml from all puhlie labor of the kingdom. He shall pay ho . - yearly money tax, and the King will give ten dolIars to the ■ man who thus searches ont a new bnsiness, provided the ; S business be continued. Such is the reward whieh his Maj- ‘ esty the King otfers to all who search ont a new employraent ■ | in any part of the kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands. e i 14. Respectinq the Descent op L.\xds to Heirs. .1 Be it furthermore enacted in relation to lands whieh Kaj mehameha L, and Kamehameha II., gave to land ageuls, • that after the pnblication of this law respecting ta\ation. 1 whenever any one of thoso land agents dies, his heir »ball • render an account to his Majesty the K:ng of the lands whieh belonged to the decoased, and tbese shall retnrn one ■ third of tbose lands to tho King. Acconling to this mle, all the lands, whelhei few or many of every man who dies sball be divided. Bnt if two months elapse after the death t of any person, and the beir neither present himself before ‘ | the King nor send a written notice, then the lands of the -! heir sball be divided eiinally. Hereafter. tho lands of all [ | heirs sball be divided thus, when tho King is not notified. If the deceased, however, had but one farm, that shall de- , scend to his heir. If he bave two farms, then one half of c i one of them shall revert to the King. From this tirae forth, the King and his Premier mnst be informeLl of all bequesta ‘j of lands, and whatever rclates to the heirs. But if the de- • ceased bave no heir at all fhen his land and all his property shall be the King’s. Tbns it is onlaineU in relation to the > laod agents of bis Majesty the King. and also in relation to the land agents und«r them over the eommon people. But the lands of orphans, widows and old men sball be protected by the land agents; let not the heirs bowever among the ! eommon people forget the directioos of their landlords. l If *ny one spoken of in this law seize the land of lawful r beirs, whieh is protected by this law, the pnnishment sbail i be as £ollows: two tbirds of the ineome of said Iand obtain- | ed by the new landlord in a year sball be deliverd to the t | heir, and it shaU be tbus delivered eaeh year for fonr sncj cessive years, and tben the land sball beloog to the new ’ ; landlord. The fine shall be the ianw for those who apply i to the King for lands occnpied by heirs of the <leceased, (thongh if the heir do better than the deceased. his third akall \natbe rt$lored to the King. And if the deceased persor have ( (chUdren of his own, then the King will not take the third, ' nor the third of him who doea better thao the deceased e ; person. Bnt if that heir had been enriched by previously being heir to another chief, the King will ihen take the i ihinl

(To Mt Coniinu*d.)