Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 Iulai 1894 — A DOUBLE CRIME. [ARTICLE]
■■ Manoel Freitae, a Portnguese, wbo liTed at Paaoa, and who osed to work for the late Oolooel Opfergelt shot his Portogaese miatress this morning and then eom-1 mitted suicide. The anfortonate ■ man, who was drrren to his in-j sane deed by jealoasy; shot the woman at ahort range throogh the eye. She is now at the hoepiial in a very precarioas condition. The marderer, as soon as he saw his victim fali, blew hia braina oat and died inatantly.
It was a pleasure to noiiee two convi\lescent around town ye«terdav. Mr. Hav Wodehoose and Mr Dan. Vida are again on their feet, botb of them looking alittle pale, bnt both on the road to recover of healtb and strenght. Tbe dag of tbe ltalian eonsnlate was # displayed on half mast today ont of respect to tbe great ; Frcnch national calamity. Most jof the other consult»tes followed ; the example. The American eon- ! sular tlag did not participate in the show of courtesy.