Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — The Other Side. [ARTICLE]

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The Other Side.

I Mr. R. W. Wilcox called at oor i oflice tbis morning to coutradict ! one of the usnal false atatemeots Iof the Advertiser in regard to a ' fight whieh it was said between him and a man named Dove. Mr. Wilcox states that Mr. Dove, with whom he is well i acquainted, in fact, having been iu business with him, used foul and ungentlemanly language abont the Queen. The retort of Wilcox was a alap in the jaw of Mr. Dove, and a scrapping match j , eusned the resnlt of whieh, says[ Robert, was a slight scratch on his nose, and a biack decoration of the face' of the “gentlemanly” Dove.