Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 155, 5 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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The p.g. is no more. The Vauderlip show tonight. Mr. Dole has proclaimed a Repnhlie. Don’t forget the Opera House tonigbt. The Mariposa leaves at 5 o’eloek this evening for Austra lia. . — The “royalists” will in the future be known as“Protestants. ” They always«protest. Minister Willia called at the British Legation this morning and made a leughty stay. Paul Neumann will return to Honolulu on the Australia. The “man” hadn’t turned np yet. The Portuguese Commissioner Mr. Canavarro is back again after a short trip to California. — Mr. Seaborn Luee advertises two fine boars for sale. He guarantees their eflScient services. Tho Mariposa arrived last night en route for Australia. Sbe left San Francisco on the 28th of June. The Japanese fireworks are far superior to the ehenp American stuti' generally burned oflf in this city. Mr. Hatch. the attorney of Dole and Spreckels, will not dance the Serpeutine dance tonight. Miss Adair will. All the counsellors carried pistols iu their pants’ pockets yesterday. Wonder what they could do with them. George Lycurgus returned by the Marip>osa. The Custom House looked nervous and that 1 steam lanueh looked happy. C. B. Wilson won the cash prize in tho rifle match yester- i day. The royalists c«n shoot their rifles otf as well as their : mouths. The “Royal Arthur” the flag- | ship of Adrairal Slephensou was in Seattle on the 26th of Juue. She will probably arrive here on Saturdav. lt is characteristic of the “repuhlie” business that the oAieial proclamations are being pasted around town by a prisoner in the stripe<l suit. The Japauese war-ship Kongo will leave to-morrow, so it is reported. The crisis in Korrea demands the presence of all the Japanese war-ships. Mrs. W. F. Allen, Miss Nenmann and Miss Maria Cummins, were among the ladies who assisted Mrs. Willis at the official reception yesterday. Gorham Oilman, a |former resident af these islands arrived on the Mariposa. He iives now in Boston and is an ex-Senator. He is also an enemy of constitniional government in Hawaii. “Prince” Knnniakea presented a resolntion at the last meetingof tbe p.g. in whieh he thanked Mr. Dole for his “modesty, courage, paiienee and forbearance. What sarcastk fellow played off ■that joke on Albert?