Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 Iulai 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

— — The riflo shooting tomorrow is rery promising. Is he going to win the enp? Charles Girdler has so!d bis stock of Pears Soap. Toere are • few bafls left, thongh, and tbe girls who valne their complexion shouldn’t forget tbem. Tbe “Anchor” will be opened tomorrow, and cats, dogs, and magpies will be Billy’s '*billy of fare.” Look oot for tbe Long Life Whiskey. or you may steal a oat According to an advertisement ihe people cannot pnrchase butter, etc. tomorrov from the following fxnns: H. E. Mclnlyre <5c Bros., H. May A Co., Henry Daviee 4 Co., Lewi» 4 Ca. and C. Hostace.