Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Insurance!N’otices. Fire, Life & Marine IMSURAMCE. HARTFOKD F.'RE INSURAXCE C0.. Assets, $ 7.1C9,S*25.49 LONDON LANCASHIKE FIRE INS. C0., Assets, $ 4,317,052.<K> THAMES MERSEY MAKINE INS. CO., Assets, $ 6,124.057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets. BI37.499.198.99 C. O. UERGEll, General Agent for the Hawaiian Is : umls. llonolola «<msurance, Fire & JVIarine>o THE UNDERSIGNED IS AUTHORIZED T0 T.\KE FIRE asd MAEINE RISKS ON JBuildin2:s, Merchandise, Hulls, Car^oes, Freig:hts and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES. IN THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES, viz: , Roi/al Insurance Company, - LiverpooL Allianee Assurance Fire and Mnrine, Lonelon Wilhelma of Madgehurg General lnsurance Co Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco .1. S. AVAI ,KEK, Agent for ILawaiian Islantls. Ji* E* <% B JIMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, 3?rovisions AND Feed, EAST C0RNER F0RT KlNGfSTS. New Croods Rec'd By every Packet from the Eastern States aml Europe. Fresb California Prodnce by everv steamer. All orders faithfnlly attended to, and Goods deliveretl to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders SoIicited. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Post Ofi5ce Box N<». 145. Telei»hone No. 92.

THE COMMERCIAL SALOON, HARRY KLEMME, Manager Cor. Nauanu &. Berttinia sts. Honolala, H. I. The Only Sporting Hoase in Town. O. ]P. S. a Specialitv. LOHENOEIN' LAGER |BEER, Always on Draaght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of TT 'ines, Liquors, and Ci$ars, \ ALWAYS ON HAND. iui tf W. S. LUCE "Wine and Snirit Merchant CampbeU Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU.

Cltysa Meat ®Tapket Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Establisbed 1883. Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Thf.m. Meai Deliveretl to Any Part of tbe City aud Saburbs. Mutual Telepbone Namber 269. Empire Saloon, JAlILS OLDS, PxoraiKroR: Wir t es, Liqnors. 3eer ALWA5 OX HASD, Con>« Nnoana «nd Holei Beli T«Jephoo« 245. Po«t Cf5c« Box]107 JOS. TINKER,