Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fourth of July! We, the ondersignetl beg to inform their friends. thfct their STORES wili not I>e opened oo the FOURTH oF JLLY. H. MAY 00.. H. E. MrlNTYRE <k BR0. HENRY DAVIES k 00., LEWIS CO., 0. HUSTACE. july 3-lt dly JN THE CIRCITT C0URT. FIRST CIR9 cnit of the Ua«iuian IsUn<is. In th« mtlter of ERXE8TINEGRAY, o( Hooolnln. Oahu, Toluntary bankmpt. Cj>on re»<)ing and tiling the p«t)tion o( said Ernrstin« Gray itl)eging th*t n>or» th»n iin monih-» hare elapse»l »iuce she was a<ljudge<l hank* rupt, and prnying (or a dwch*rs»* (rom all her deht8, it »s onleml that FR1DAY. the I3th day o( Jnly, IS94, at lOo'elook a.m. oi said day, in the Conrtnx>m of aaid Conrt, in Aliiolani Hale, Honoluln, be and the same U hereby appoinie»! for hearing saul application. at «hieh lime an<) pU<v all cre»htors who hav« protred their elaim» against said bankrnpt may appear and show cause, i( any they have, why Ihe prayer o( said bankrupt should not be granted. By the Court: GEO. LCCAS. Herk. Honolula, Jnne 26, 1S!K. 3t—eow h|\w\ll\fl 4odSE L. J. LEVEY. Lessee aml Managcr, Ameneaii Vaude\ille Conip’y THURSDAY, July 5, An - All - Star - Show An CuriTale<l Coapany of Antericao and Eumpean Celehritles. 13 in number, will Appear at tbe Oj>era House FOR ONE NIHHT OSLT, ou Thur*day, July 5th, at S p.m. In coDjunction »ith this Stronc Omhinalion Mi*s ELSIE AUAIK wlil Amti is tue Skkpkttisb Damcs, wiih All the Latest Eff?ct». n-prcsentinc Klowers, Scencry and PhoU.» o( Ceiebralcd People. lJr C8CAL PRICE8. 8eats ean now be 8e< nred in Aileanee. jo30 4t P0UNI) MASTEHS XOTICE. Notice is hereby griren to all persou». thst there is at the Oov.?rnment Ponnd at Makiki, two stnyed horses. 1 hiaek mare, poor!y condition, wbite spot on tbe (oren«ad. brand indiācribable on , (orefeet were sbod. 1 dippl**<i hone, brand imiiaenhaUe on the left hip. Any person or penona owne<i these boraes are r-»jneslc«i to oome and take the aame on or before the <lay o( sale, 12 o'eloek noon SATCRDAY, JCLY l«h, IHM JAMES KEKON.A. Poand Master. Makiki. Jnne 29th. ISM. 1-w <Uy. Nlortga£re's !Xotico of Intention to Korclose and of Sale. In aeoonlanoe with ihe mroTMions < ( certain Mort«age, made by K.A.AIAKALA (k) of Pneopakn, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hitcheoek, dated Angnat 16. 1890. recorded in Liber 126 on pa&e« 256 aad 258 and doir aaaigned to Kini Kanaeholo, dated Oetober 9, 1891, ieoorded in Liber 126 <n page 237Sotice is bereby gjvm tbat the mortgage intenda to (orecloae tbe «ame tor eomhlioa broken to wnt. n»npaymeut <A pnneipai and intenat nobce is likewiae giren tbat after tbe eTpiratioa o( tbree weekii (rotn tbe date oi tbis not>ce, tbe propertr conveye»i by sud mortgage wiU be adrertwed (or *ale at pabbe aoeuon at Hilo Coart Hoaae on Satnrday khe 14 day oi Jnly, 18M, st 12 nooa ot «id day. Fnrtber pamenlan ean be had <A Kiaaay M. Koahoa attorney at law. Datad, Hilo, jnoe 18tb, I8M. Tems Caab. Deeds at tbe erpensa ot KINI KANAEHOLO. Tha premises co*md by «aid mortgage oonn*tao(, Tha —riī wīniinl intrest in the land deaerihad ia Royml Patent Nnmber 1023 and ■Kwa poitīealar!y deacrihed ia deed (rom KeHikalakihi to Kaaikah mado 4th da y o( Fcbntary, A. D. 1890, recorded ia Libar 127 apa«M40«d«l.