Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 July 1894 — Annexation. [ARTICLE]

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i They all feel jubilant. They all feel sure. Annexation was aecomplished in Palolo valley last Suuday. She was annexed to the great republic. On account of the Fourth of July namea are withBeld. The Jndges should not i interfere.

— ♦ There will be lots of good! sports tomorrow. — • Mr. C. B. Wilson will handle a t gun tomorrow. The Wanimoo left at eightj o’eloek last night. The Wanimoo took the “eeho” away, brother Henry. The Holoxua takes a rest to- | morrow— the enemiea are happy. Owing to bad adrertisement 1 and poor jndgment the Mani races will be a fizzle. lt is pleasing to state that Mr. ' James Sherwood cf Long Brancb is improving after a long apell of rheumatism.