Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do not hold oureelres responsibie onr the opiuione or the ntterancee of for j correspondents.] Editob Holomua. The postal system at Hanalei is anything but satisfactory. The people of Waioli have to go a‘ distance of two miles or more, to the office of the Princeville Plantation to get their letters, and often times tho river is so swollen that it is irapossible to getacross:the rosultbeingthat the people on the Waioli side of the river are often delayed for a eonsiderable timo before they ean get their mails. Under previous < postal administrations, a small branch uffice was established at Waioli, whieh was a great eonvenience to the people of that sectiou, since tho incumbency of | the present P. G. Post Master I General, this has been done away with greatly to the annoyance of j the people of that section. Give ■ us a better postal service. Fair Play.