Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 July 1894 — The Scotts Meet. [ARTICLE]

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The Scotts Meet.

The ball given by the Thistle Clnb last nigbt, was a grand snccess. The men from the historieal fie)ds of “Boanie ScotIand' were tbere and a most enjoyable time was had. Politics were forgotten. Hardsbips, competition., and the strnggle for the daily bread were things eliminate<l. The Scotts enjoved themselves. : They remembered only the dear o!d home and they gtoried in the fact that tbey were trne to tbeir colors, althongh thousands of miles parted tbem from the rocky and rugged places where so many of them were boru. Tbe management in the hands ! of Chief Lindsay was simply ex- | cellent. It has only improvod | the reputation of this popular fellow-citizen. The parties who attended the ball ask for a repe- , tition, and they all say, the : Thistle Club forever.