Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, 3 Iulai 1894 — Seeks Notoriety. [ARTICLE]
Seeks Notoriety.
Mr. John Phillips, one ot our best known citizens, is evidently insistiug in gaining notoriety. j A few weeks ago, tbe honses next to bis shop were burned down and be barelj’ escaped meeting ; the same fate for his private legislative hall. A few days ago. though, his sign and the top of his roof got tired, and took a walk onto the street, attempting to kill a few royalists who were | debating outside, the merits of the great question. Tobe, ornot be. In this instance there was not be*an in them. This morning, Mr. Phillips.a well-known trotter went on an excnrsion withont. permission. Tbe yellow borse tbat never will go when the old man is beh i n d was aslively asacolt The'*yalleT" one had a newly fixed and newly i painted carriage bebind him; a j carriage whieh had just been de- j livered the day before brother ' Phillipe saw Wright’s shop, and his own neigbborhood burned down. The carriage waa not injnred, thanks to Frank Vida. who regardless of his own horse, his safety, and his virtue, steered the ‘*jaller” one tbrough all the impediments, aod finally caugbt the Phillipie racer. Frank left town this afternoon. and we will ask brother Phiilipe to keep the , ‘yaller” in,until the boy retnrns. To gain further notoriety, it is mmored that Phiūipe will make • apeeeh tomorrow. Who will be there to eeieh kim.