Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Adrertiser wuo oatches a persous eye asnal!y \rins a castomer. M;iny ditferent stv!es of advertisin« bave been adopted and witb more or less saccess, by the believers ia tbe use of printers ink. Tbe mannfi»cturers of Pears Soap, for instauce. occasiou ally bny paintiugs tbat have beeu on exbibitiou in the Pari's SaIou and bave Iithograpbs mado from them for the purpose of bringing tbeir prodnct before the people. In additiou to sncb side issnes, Pear spends bandreds tbousands of dollaxs annually among tbe newspapers and magj azines. Some years ago tbo Ageuts of certain article on sale in New York made a bit in advertising by having on Broadway during bnsiness boars two fatloessly drcssed Negroes weariogvery high col!ars. on the backs of whieh w;is printed “Use Smitbs Pills.“ The idea was novel and tbe pnblic caagbt on. Kising Sun Stove Polisb bas been kcpt before the public for years through j>ersistent, and sometimes expensive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the mannfacturers of this pclisb started balf a dozon men . acrosstbe oruiment to paiut sigus on rocks and fences. Tho Aerj motor Co., of Chioago have increased its snles raore thnn five bundred per cent in two years hv tbe use of printers iuk. We beheve we bave beon instruraental iu increadug tbe s.des of the Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Haw lii. We do not wisb to say tbat advertising will sell auy manufactured article; there is no aso sp«nding money in advertising i “eheap and nasty” goods becanse the people will not bo hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohlna was not the superior article it is. all our advertising of it wouhl not have sold the tbuusands of pieces that we bave. We siraply eall the attention of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the customer direotly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helped the sale of the James Lockod Fence but ; it would not bave dones so if it bad been asfiimsy as tbe or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbore | is in bnilding it recommends it to the n!antation manager und then its durability elinehea tbe tbe sale If tbe stays and wasberscost as mucb as an ordioary redwood post our sales of tb'e material woold not have reached such eaormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy ' Iron Stove is aboat two a day the year round. If was not the best iron stuve on tbe market we would not sell tbat many m six months. Advertising is the tip ■ the puhlie the good points in thearticle sells it jnst as tbe good ;ualities of tbe Fiscber Steel tange make it a desirab*e article fr*r people wbo wisb to economise in tbe uso of fuel. We buv only wbat bas proven good after people in tbe United States or Eumpe have given it a trial; we profit by their cxperince if the articles are goood we boy and sell tbem; if they are poor we ateer clear of tbem. When we adverti.se an article ii is to at- , tract attentioo to it; tbe newsi paper ; s tbe bntton we pash, the 1 salesman does tbe rest. Persisfent advertising coapled with the article beiog a saperior one has sold tboasands of tbe Fr»nk Walcot Emory File. If it had been no better than an ordm.irv acytha stooe we prob«b!y w<»uld not bartj sold twenty. When a man finds oot that hia table knives may be keptsbkrp at ali times at an expense of nfty cents and a very iittle elhow grease be is quite wiliing to trv ue expenment Tto Eanila Hartwars 307 Port Street