Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — HE MAY GET THERE. [ARTICLE]

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His Excellency Francis M. i Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Provisional Government is the proud possessor of a I finger and thumb that ean twist the tail of the 13ritish Lion When Lord Roseberry reads the soul- I ; stirring rebuti'of His Provisional | Excellency to a Critish Minister, for the edification of a palpitating House of Comraons, there will be , a sensation from the ceutre to the circumference of Earope; and as the British Premier is in searcb of a statesman that ean “do np’’ I the House of Lords, the ehaneea i are that Hatch may be offered a peerage and a tomthawk with whieh to scare the Peers teraporal and spiritual. Qaeen Victoria will, no doubt, > be glad to see the great Provisional who, in dismissiog the Hawaiian Charge d’affairs in London, thongbt he had a right to appoint another and found in tho attempt how sadly his Foreign Office education had been neg1lected I There are great possibilities i awaiting the exercise of such vigorous foreign policy as that of provisional Hatch. On the precedeut of Malietoa having been taken to Berlin for insulting GerI many, Hatch might be t iken to | London and exhibited at the [Tower asasampleof a fillibuster- ! ing hybrid caught red-handed in the South Seas. There are great possibilities before little Francis.