Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hv“VII4|I HoJse L. J. LEVET, Lessee »nd Manap er > Ameiiean Vaudevi!le Cooipy i THURSDAY, July 5, | An - All -Star-Show An l'nrivaled Company of An>erican *nd Europe*n Celebrities. lL' in nnmber. will Appe«r at the Opera Hon.»e FOR ONE MGHT ON’LT. on Tharsd.iv, J nly 5th, at 8 p.m. In conjanction wilh tbis Strong Combination Mis» EL8IE ADAIR will ArntAR i> the Sehpenti>e Dasce. wiih All the L*test Effects, repre»entinc Flow- i er*. Scenery *nd Photo* of Celebr*ted People. tW~ L'SCAL PRICES. Se«ts c*n now be Secnred in Adv*nce. jaS0 4t POUND MASTER*S NOTlCE. * Notioe is hereby given to »1! penon*. tb*t there M *t the Governmen4 Ponnd *t Makiki. two str*yed hone*. 1 bl»ck m*re, poorlv condition, white spot on the forehe*d, brmnd indiacrib*ble on . lorefeet were sbod. 1 dippled horse. br*nd indūcrib*ble on the left hip. Any penon or penon* owned thewe honā *re rsqne»ted to oome *nd Uke the eune on or befon tbe d*v of ule, 13 o'dock noon SATCBDAY, JULY I4th, 1894 JAMES KUKONA, Poand M«»i. Makiki. Jane 39th. 1894. 1-w dlv. LOST. A FOX TEKRIER BiTCH, answering to the name o( ‘Paieh.’ A re*ard will be paid for ber recovery at tbe Aocbor Salooo. corner of Naaana and King streets.