Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 Iulai 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


N'o bami concert at Emma Square to-DĪgbt. Meetingof the People alōo’eloek oo Palaee Square. I The Kinau left at 4 p. m. for Maui and Hawaii. Let all loval citizenebe at Palaee Square at 5 o’eloek. Tai assessors and collectors have been appointed for the ensuing tax year. Mr. S. N. Castle who haa been seriously ill is somewhat improved in heallh. — To-night a subscription Ger- | man will be glven at the Hawai- i ian Hotel. The Hawaiia and the Kame. will play a game ou the Fourth of July. The first named team will win. Mr. Rudolph Sprecke1a and Mr. F. Follie arrived in town yesterday, and will leave fur Spreckeleville to-rnorrow. Everybody who belie.-es in popular government shonId be at r Palaee Square at 5 p. m. and protest igaiutthe missionary oligarhcy. Mr. L. A. Thurston left for the Volcano this afternoon. He evidently needs a vacation after his hard work—drawing his 3 alary. The inaugural hull of the S • >ttish Thīstle Club will take piaee to-night at the new hall of the eluh and promiaes to be a most enjoyable affair. Tho.se who do uot propose to have their rights as citi/ens trampled ou by a gang of needy advontorers should go to Palaee Square at 5 o’eloek. Honoluln is to have a new priuting olhee. This time the J.»p.anese are to the fore. A plant aud printers are on board tbe Aikoku Marn. Don’t forget the Vandeville performance at the Opera House uext Thursday. lt is worth paa*iug three prices to see the Serpeutiue dance of Miss Adair. At tbe service at Kawaiahao Church yesterday it is reported that the Reverend Mauase offered a special prayer for Her Majesty J the Oueeu. — A detachment of Japanese troops from the Kongo were lauded this raoruing for drill. The men have a very fine appear j anee and went throngh the drill j with groat precision.