Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]
Hawaii Holomua.
Voi. irr. Xo. 153.
Honolulu, Monday, July 2, 18fH.
Per XEontli 50 Ots.
|pairau PROGRESS. 7he Life of the I~and is Esiabhshea in - HONOLULU, JULY 2. 1894.
Hawaii Holomua.
Voi. irr. Xo. 153.
Honolulu, Monday, July 2, 18fH.
Per XEontli 50 Ots.
|pairau PROGRESS. 7he Life of the I~and is Esiabhshea in - HONOLULU, JULY 2. 1894.