Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 Iune 1894 — That Painkiller. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

That Painkiller.

Tho uew Kepablic (?) is to sturt ; under tbe aaspices of temperance, l aml all saloons are to be closed Ion the GIoriona Fouith—an ex treniei_v unprecedented proceed- | iug. but of conrse, necessarv in view of the tremendous strain 1 that will be placed npon the 1 nerves and conrage (?; of the ! uine-Iived defenders of tho iiamacubite niissionaries Of conrse, tbe Attorney Gjn >r il-le inie 1 in the iaw—will pnrchase on Tuesday night the usnal bottle of pain killer that he is ai* >>istorned to use in moraentsof grv.it danger aueh as the 17th of Jannan* 1892 was, and he iinagines the couiiug 4th will be.