Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BR!iCE CARTWR!GHT BasinMh of a Fidaciary Nalure Trr n»*cled. Proupt a'.U-nlion given to ihe maniigeiue&t of EalaUH, Gnardianstupe. Trusts, eto., etc. Ojf’: Ca ~tijcriyl<t Buil/ting, Uercitant Street, Honolnln 11. L.OSI5. Notai*y Public. Colfcrtor <mo Crneml Hw<iness A<. nt. Paienlee of Lose'8 Chkmical CoM?orxi> for Clarifying Canr Jnite. Svft-Agenl }or severaf <>f the FIRE LXSURANCE COS. Uninai 'lelephone o. P. <). Box 338. Merchant slrei *. Honolnl". “FAT BOY." BAY H3RSE 'M 8AL00N I l’. MeiNLK.W, Ekophiwoe, Fine Llquors, Wjnes and Beer. OOKNKH BKTHIX A>D HoīKL Sts<. LEWIS & C0. Whoiesa?e and Retail Gro AND PR0VISI0N I)EALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every ban Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon in Barrels a Specialty. iii Fort Sl. t Honolulu. Tel. 240, p O. ftox 207. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Auother Invoice of the World Reno'vued FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On draaght and bv the keg. ' AIso, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California OYSTERS. FOR COCKTAlLS mayl 3ms i AXerchant Exchange Corner Ring ano Nnnann Streets. S. I. 8HAW Manager. The Finest «eleelion of LIQCORS and I BEER. sold anTvrhere in tfce town. First-das8 attendanoe. Call and jodge for yoareelf. no 113-tf PAC1F1C SAL00N, Corner King and Nanann Strwto. EDW. WOLTEB MuMg«r. Tfce Fmwt wāamlem <d UQUOBSaad BSER, aold aBj«fcm ia «wa. Fixat-daw aMwihana. GaQ aad jadge for yowseU. a»8»4t