Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLOMU^. |S 1TBLISHED Kverv Aftornoon MCEPT SCXDAV BY THK Holomua Publishing Co. At King St. (Tbomas b!ock), Honolulo, H. I. S"jS'5Cr.!?nC'T. per Moath, 50 Cts. Thr pa>er w <lehvrrv:l by Carriers in the tovrti anil stihnrb.. S.t»sle Cop.es (jr >»le at the News De»leM aud at the Omoe o( pablicrttiun. - Editor EOMUNO NORR!E. - GEORGE E. SUITHIĒS ■ Manager XOTICE. All Bnsiness Commumcation.H shottld be *ddressisl to George E Snntlne, Honoluln, H. I. Correspon<tence and CommnnicationH tor pnlilication shonld lie addrossed to the Editor Cn Holomna. »o nouoe «H be paid U> anv anonymous commnnications. Busin©ss Cards A. T. PETERSON, attornet at law. »»ce; 113 Kaahumann S*veet. Honoluln Hawaiian Islands. CHAHLES CREIGHTON, attorney at law. ffioe: 113 Kaahnmann Street. Honolnln UKwaiiau Islauds. paul neumann. attorn ky at law. 4 Mercb»nt Street. Honolnlu, Mntnal Telepbone 415. labence w. ashford. [ORNEY AND OOUN8ELLOH AT LAW. e . Ohl Capitol r,uilding. (Honolnln Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. DHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOKNEY at law. b©, coruer Iving & Rethel Sts, A. R0SA. attorney at law. 5 Kaahnmnnn St.. Honolnln, Hawaiian IslaudsM. H. LOHEIDE. 81GN and ornamental PA1STER[Hawaiian Hardware Co. J All orders promptly attended to. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfdduring Jev*Ur and Watchmaker, Jnemy »ock, 405 Fort, Str. Honolnla LEWIS J. LEVEY. Jeal Estate and General Auctioneer. t(MrSPoii and Qn*« 8treeU, Honoluhi •enonel attentioa giren to Salee of Fnmiture, Beal Eetate. Stook and 6eneral Merekaadise.