Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Or Ef i\ H°^ se L. J. LEVET. Les*ee »nd M»n»c?r \mm Vaudenlle Compy THURSDAY, July 6, An - Ali -Star-Show An l'nrinUed Comp»ny of Americ*n »nd Europ«ui Celebritie?, 12 in numher, wili j Appear at the Oper» Hoose FOR ONE NU1HT ONLY. on Than-d»T. Jnlv 5tb. a! '■> p.m. In conjunetion with tbi» Stn>ns (•>mbination Sli~- EL$IE ADAIR will Appeak i> the Sekpksti>i Da» e. with Ail the Late»t ElIeot». representine Fli>wen-. Scenerv and Photo» of C«!ebrated People. £ST CSL AL PRICES 6eat» eau now be Secured in Advauce. jn30 4t Dr. AT( HERLG1. M. K. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Has removed tooffice fokmerly occnpied by Dr. Foote, Co&ner of PO’l'HPAlWL and Beretania Strestn. I Mut. Bell 841. jn29 Im FOR 8ALE. HOCSE AND LOT AT IWILEI, Honolelu. Enquire on the premiseo, or of JOE de SANTOS, ju29 1 w Aboard W. G. Hall. \OTICE. AU person.s are h?reby prohibited from trespassing or taking any thing from the Iand of tbe nndersigned, sitnated at Mnolea, liana, Isiand of Mani. MALIE MAUNALOA. 1 Kalihinka, Oahu, June 28, 1894. ju2S Im -:~FLOUR ! — To Arrivc Per ss. Arawa, 400 Bbls. Oregon Flour I.ion br:iDil. \ sacks. 4U0 Bbk Wasliiūgton Flour. C& C brand, sacks. For Sale AT LOW FIGURES. IHEO. H. DAVIES & C0. POUND MASTER"S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persous. that there is at the Govemment Ponnd at Makiki, two strayed horses. 1 black mare, poorly condition, white spot on the foren«ad, brand indiscribable on , forefeet were shod. 1 dippled horse, brand indiscril)able on the left hip. Any person or persons owning this mare are requested to eome and Any person or persons owned these horses are reqnested to eome and take the same on or beiore 12 o’eloek uoon SATUKDAV. JULY 14th, 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Mister. Makiki, June 29th, 1894. I-w dly. LOST. — A FOX TEKEIER B1TCH, answering to the name of ‘‘Paleh.” A reward will l>e paid for her recovery at the Ancbor Saloon. corner of Xnoanu and King streets. i ]Mortgage , s oti.ee of Intention to Forelose and of Sale. In acoord*nee witb the provisions of cer- | tain itortgage. made by KAAIAKALA (k) ; of Pueopaku, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hitch1 eook, d*ted Aagnst 16. 1890, recorded in I Liber 126 on pages 256 and 2S8 and dnlv as*igaed to Kini Kanaehoio, dated October 9, 1891, reeorded in liber 126 on page - 25T. Nouoe is hereby given that the mortgage intends to (oreck«e the s*me (or oondition broken to vnil; nonp*ytnent of princip*} *nd inten*t noūee is hkewise given that *fter the expir*tion of three weeka from tbe d*te o( this notice, the propertv conv«yed by said mortgmge viQ be *dvertued (or s*le *t pnhlie *nctk>n *t HiLa Coart Honae on S*tnrday the 14 d*y of July, 1894, *t 12 noon of s*id i**y. Funher p*rbcnl*rs ean be h*d of Kinn*v M. Koahou *tīorney »t l»w. D*ted, Hilo. Jnne 18th, 1894. Terms C*sh. Deeds *t the apenae ot The KINI KANAEHOLO. oovered bv **id mortg*ge The undivided intrest in the l*nd ribed ia P*iwt Namhei 1 “n p*rticnl*Hv dMcnbed in deed ' ilo Kmikal* m*de4th d* y of . D. I8W, reoofd*d in Iib«r 127 141.