Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — LOGAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Trained Pheasants at the Aa-i chor. Mr W. G- Irwin left yesterday for Waimanalo. Look ont for tbe Vaadeville troape on the fifth of Jaly. A p. g. soldier said today—*‘Dese are very dole, dole dimes, I <loan id 7 ” Billy Canningbam’s favorite tune today is: “W hen the Lat eame back. A stabbing atfray took plaee in , a Fort street store today. Nobody got serioasly hart. Dr. Geo. H. Haddy who escorted W alter Hill to Australia, returned to town on the Monowai. Professor Berger’s band gave a concert at the Hotel lnst uight in ; honorof the Monowai passengers. | Patcu the famous fox-terrier belonging to Colonel Bristol has been found. An advertisoment in the Holomoa did the busiuess. It is uuderstood that Mr. Dole will reconstruct his cabiuet after his proclaraation as dictator uext Wednesday. Tlie “sojers” will not turu ont ou the Fourth. Thoy will all be coufiued in the cellar of the pal—aee. Tbe \vorkiuauship of theDole. badges is really fine, and Mr. I Mellis is deserving of credit for the device. The idea is, to say the least, “bad form.” W. Sheldon has been appointed Depnly Sherifi’ for Waianae, so | rumor says. It would be of in— , terest to know how many ‘breach j of j*romises’ this ap]»ointment leads the Marshal into. Dickey Davies arrived in town yesterday morning, incognito. The boys know all about it now, and every roora on the Claudine will be taken. Those who want jo go have better get a move on. Seab >ru Luee has a few of his t fragraut miee left. Why don’t j the Board of Health buy them and donate the same totheW*ater Works? Minister Damon is booked to leave on the W'arrimoo for British Colmnbia. The object of his departure at this date is a pnzzle to the governraent clique. Minister and Mrs. W illia entertained Bishop and Mrs. Willia at dinner last week. This is for the edification of the Star editor. No political aignificance! The convention did|some work today. The delegates eamei their $100 a pieee by finisbing tbe job. Most of them had drawn it in advanee. • W’alter Hill, a distingaisbed fellow-citizen has arrived safely at Adelaide, N. S. W. ; and is trying to recover his impaired health amoug friends of former days. F. M. Hustod’s directory promises to be a great success. Hia agents are at work all over the country, and the “hook of referenee” ought to be a valuable work for business men and others in Hawaii.