Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Adrertiser who catches a persons eye asually wins a castomer. Many ditferent stvles of advertising have beea adopted and with more orless sacoess. bv the believers in the ose of printers ink. The manufacturers of Pears Soap. for instance, occasion ally buy paintings tbat bave l>een on exhibition in the Pari’s Salon and have lithographs made from tbem for the purpose of bringing their pnnluct before the peopie. In addition to such side issues, Pear s|>ends hundreds thousands of dollars aunually among the newspapers and magazines, Some years ago the Agents of certain article on sale in New York m;ule a hit in advertising by having on Broadway during business honrs two fatlnessly dressed Negroes wearing ven- highcollars. on the backs of whieh was printe<l “Use Smiths Pills.” The idea was novel and tho puhlie eaught ou. Rising Snn Stove Polish has been kept bofore the puhlie for years through |>ersistent, and sometimes expensive advertising. Twenty years ago the manufacturers of this polisb started half a dozen men acrossthe orni:uent to paiut signs ; on rocks and feoces. The Aerraotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales raore than five huudred per cent in two vears bv the «se of printers ink. We beheve we have beon instrumental in increasing tbe s iles of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Hawaii. We do not wish to say that advertising will soll auy manufactured article; there is no use spending mouey in advertising "eheap and nasty” goods because the people will uotbehoodwinked. If Haviiand Ohinn was not the superior article it is, all j our advertising of it wou!d uot have so!d the thousandsof pieces that we have. We simply eall the attention of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the customer directly u pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helped the salo : of the James Locked Fenee but it woukl not have dones so if it had been as fiimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in building it recommends it to the plantation munager and then its durability clinches the the sale If the stays and washers cost as mueh as an ordioary redwotxl post onr saies of the material would not hnve reached sucb enormous proportions. Our averago sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a day Uio year round. If was not the best iron stove on tbe market we wou!d not sell tbat many xn six montbs. Advertising is the tip t > tho publ:c tbe good points in thoarticle sells it just as the good Sualities of tbe Fiscber Steel ange make it a desirable article for people who wish to economise in the ose of foel. We buy only what has proven good after t>eople in the Cnited States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we boy and sell tbem; if tbey aro |x>or we steer clear of them. When we advertis6 an article it is to attract attention to it; the newspaper tbe bntton we push, the sa.esman does fbe rest. Persistent advertising coup!ed with the article being a superior one bas sold tboosamls of the Frank Waleoi Emory Fiie. If it 1 had been no better than an ordinarv scytbe stone we probably l woolil not bare sold twenty. When a man finds out that bis ( table knives mar be keptsharp at all times at an expense of nfty oents and a rery little elbow grease be is quite willing to try the eipenmenU Tte Hmaa tt.i 307 Port SbMt .