Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 152, 30 June 1894 — A Good Chance. [ARTICLE]
A Good Chance.
Tho Art Leagues exhibition will close very shortly. We have already rnentioned the merits of the exhibition of our loeal artists and we eall attention to all who love and nnderstand art that it is well worth spending a little time at the store of King Bros., and enjoy a view of the several very artistic works of tbe exhibitors. According io the arrangement of the League the exhibition will be closed next week. The managers have, in a prot»er spirit, thrown open the doors to the exlnbition, and nothing will be charged to visitors during the coming week. The works of Hntchison, Hitch eook, Miss Parke, Mrs. Graham and others »re well worth inspecting, aud we shouId consider it most appropriate for the principals of our ditferent schools, not yet having vacation to take advantage of this ehanee and ehow their pupils what talent and study ean produce. Mr. W. King will [ always be in attendance aml aet as a cicerone to the visitors.