Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Hatch as a Diplomat. [ARTICLE]

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Hatch as a Diplomat.

Tiie following correspondence bas taken plaee bet»veen Minister WiHlehou>e and p. g. minister Hatcii. Oomments aie uunecessan : Depnrtim*nt of Foreigu Aftairs I Honolulu, H.I., Jnne20, '04 \ Sni: Referriug t>> onr converSation of tbis ranrning,. wben 1 cailed npon yo i to state that tbe Gov<', utnent eon-ml* re 1 tlie ]>res- j ei ‘ occasiou (yon baving ealleil • ii, >ii ns to protect you iu respect to a newspaper aUaek) a fitting one to urge you to express more i clearly and definite!y tbeu itnre of your relations witb this Gov ernm«nt and your attitude toward the saine, and in whieh you stated tb.it yon b >d recugnized tbe pves eut Government aa tlie de facto i Governmeut of the countrv, bnt were nnahle to niHke any fnrtber statement in reg >rd t<> y«>nr o sition; and. refer r ing to ttie fact tbat \onbad de«n accredited to tbe form» r Governioenl; tbat yon desired to lemain in i -tr;»•!<v uer.tra! position, and tbat yoii bad refraimd from attending any of tbe Government fnnctions held bv tbis Govermoent, especially j tbe opeuiog c>{ tlie Constituti»nal C«>nv«ntion, for the reason tbat v«>n c«>ubl not d<» so \vitbout taking sides and dep.arting from vour p<<s tion of neutrality; and, in reply t>> mv qu«stion. positively j deu\ iug tbat you have inaintained anv oAieial ordiplomatic relations ! »itb Lilmokalani since her dethmnemeDt. I beg tb«t you will inform me i wbethw I bave correcctly nuder- , sto<>d ypu and am to take tbe ; foregoing as tbe c«rrect expression of yonr p>«ition and views on tbis snbject. 1 bave ihe bonor to be, sir, j witb highest respect. Your Excellency’s most obedi- j eui servaut, Fkancis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Atfairs. To H s Excellency, Major James Hay Wodehoase. H. B. M’s. Minister R« sident. Honoiaiu Britisb Legation. i Honoiulu. June 20,189L \ Sir: Permission baving been granted by the Provisional Gov-

ernment lo Rear AJmiral Walker U N.. to land men from the U. S. Ship “Philailelphii’ for tbe pnrpoee of driil. I have the honoar to request tbat the same privileges m;ty be extended to Captain Hooke, P». N., commanding 11. B. M’s S. “Champion. 1 havt ihe honor to be, with tbe highest considerition. sir, Your Eicellency’s obedient servant, , (Sigued) J.vmes Hay WoDEHorsE, H. B. M’s. Miaister Resulent His Eseellency FrancisM. Hatch Hawaiian Mimster for Foreign Artairs. Foreign Oflice Honolulu. British Legation) Honololu, Jone 21, 1894 i Sir: I have the honoor to ac- , knowledge the receipt of 1 onr Escellenc\*’s letter of the 20th instant, and, in reply, I beg to state that I cannot see any reason fcr further or public declaration of my position toward the Hawaiian Provisional Gov- , ernment, nor ean I discover auy cause for dissatisfaction with the i “attitnde of reserve’’ whieh I | have bitherto maintained. and whieh attitnde, I may add has received the a)>proval of Her Britaunic Majesty’s Goverument. 1 have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Your Excellency’s obedient servant. (Sigued.) J. H. Wodehouse, H. B. M’s Minister Resident His Excellency FrancisM. Ilatch Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Provisional Government. i Department of Foreign Affairs i Honoluln H. I., June 23, 1894» Sir: I have tiie honor to aeknowledge the receipt of Yonr Excellency’s letter of tho 20th istaut. reqnesting perraission for Captain Rooke of H. B. M.’s S. Ohampion fo land his men for the purpose of drill; anil a!so your i letter of the 21stinstant, iu whieh you state tbat you ean not see any reason for further or puhlie ] declaratiou of your position toward the llawaiian Provisionai Governraent,• nor ean yon discover any caiise for tlie dissatis- 1 faction with the “attitude of reserve” wliieh you have hitherto j >uaiutained and whieh has the anproval of your government.. As you Jo not question the ! accuracy of m y statemeut of your remarks at onr last iuterview and \ do not modify them, I ara eom- I pelled to refer to what yon then j s*id for the explauation of what I you uame your ‘'attituda of re- ! serve.” This attitude. as explained by you, is so estraor.lin iry that it ean not b* lost sight of on au occasion like the prosent, when the matter of gr»utingau extreme f*vor is under consideration, the carryiog out of whieii on your ,»<rt raight be subject to grave j misconstrnction in tbe pnbiic ] ■nind,iu case there sbou!dbe tbe ; I slightest donbt as to the natnre , of yonr reiations witb the Gov- ; ernment. I regret extremely, therefore, that your inability at this tirae, to make such fult uud satisfaotory statement of your attitnde as would put »11 doobt at rest, compeis tbe Government to re- 1 fruin from entertaining your request for permission to land troops from the Ohampion for , drillI avail myself of tbis opportu- ! nity to renew the assurances of bigh consideration and esteem with whieh I bave the honor to be. sir, Yoor Excellency’s most obedient humbly servaut. i 8igued) Fraxcis M. Hatce Minister of Foreign AtTairs. i To His Excellency Major James Hay Wodehoose, H. B. M.’s . Minister Resident, Honoluln.