Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — DECLINED WITH THANKS. [ARTICLE]

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The uiorning organ of the oli garchy is mueh exercised over trbat it is pleased to term our “solicitude for the good couduct of the American reprosentatives,” and declaxes the sume to be uunecessarv. We are satisfied tb«t the official representatives of the United States hero, neifher requests or desires the organ of the p. g. to sv>eak for them in the mattcr of our “solicitude,” and therefore, the etforts of tho AdVfrtiser to interpret our historical references to the Stevens-Wiltze opisode in its owu way, is so uiueh extraneous twaddle. The Holomia characterised the Stevens-Wiltze atiair from the momenl it was v>erpetrated, and oveu iu tbe face of the still born press-gag Iaws of the p. g , it never has, and never will wave in its condemnatiou of an ontrage whieh has no parallel iu modern limes. Only a day or two ago tbe p. g. crgans were esnltiug over the jirospects of a “graud militar\' RViectacle’’ whieh was io give eclat to the “birth of the republie.” and in whieh bayonet pageantry the United !States forces were to be conspicuous. Speaking as the mouth-piece of the j>eople o! this conntry. we protested against what would be taken to be a </uo*i recognition by the United States of the outrageous farce of promnlgating a cunstitution, from the framing of whieh nino tenths of the people el tbis kingdom were exclnded by tyrannical conditions. The “wasted solicitude" whieh our oeighbor iays at oxir door is,

lherefore misplaced. foritisthe solicītade” of the p. g. to strut bt >ide the forces of the Philadel- | hia, that is “waated,” and the ambition of brother Castle will have to be content with getting the republican abortion blackened with the sraoke whieh will be fired olf on the 4th day of July in honor of Araerican independ enee. Of course the p. g braves ean add a little stage thunder of their own at Kakaako or elsewhere; but the noise will scare uo oue, excej>t it migbt be the performers. As to the invitatiou of the Ad>:ertiser to the royalists ”to seize the occasion,” etc., to do the vi et armis bhsiness on the ‘‘fourth,’ it is probabie that the royalists might wish to have some fun with the ricketty abortion that Heuuery says is “goiug to staml on its owu legs,” and not ou its head. Here is a grand ehanee for sorae A<ivertiser draraatist to make a stage-scoop, a la O Callaghan < on hi* “last legs.” The picture of Minister Ike, heroically wet-nnrsiug the latest weakling of the faraily compact in the last stages of its Schutzen b!ack death, will be too funuy for auytbing.