Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 Iune 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The proposition tbat tbe saloons sball be closed ou the 4tbofJuly bas created genoral indignation. There is not the pligbtest reasnn for such a step. Tbe saloon keepers pay a heaw ]icense and beavy tuxes, and it is an outrage tbat tbey sbould be prevented frora keeping open ou a holiday. If tbis is the iuitiative step of au allegod liberal republic,then save us frora repnblics of such nature. Tbe Adverliser Bcems to insiuuate that it is only royaIists who patronize saloous. If tbo editor wil’ look into tbe backyard of bis olhoe be will find a large and select cdllection of empty beer bottles, tbe conteuts of whieh buve been used to keep up tbo courage of bis stafi. aud tbo priuters wbo are punisbed by setliug his editorials awake.