Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAINIPPON Hoiel street Arlington Block.) I A aboTe Store bu reoeire<1 &oothet 8pieadid Ineoiee of APANE5E Sl LK, f ANCY GOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMPElSDiO—BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dtww Gools in »11 sh»ile, plain and fignred. Cn»hions Tal>)e CoTera, Bed Covere, Gowns, Chemises, Sbawls. ci:n r aui iiamuun i All Colors Fancy Draperies, EHBBOIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS Doillie«, Soarfs, Sashea, Jacket«, Capa, Etc., Ztc. NOVELTIES: The Trioe« of thēse C»o»<D will astonish you inclnding ELEGaNT SILK KIM0N08I Handsome Cigarette Cases, Ihn Cu8hions, Silk Tea Cossies, LAR(iE 1SD S.M1LL JAI*1HESE RU«S Silk Unil>rel)as, light bnt strong; Chair Saddles, Silk; Baml>oo Blinds, fitted with pnlleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JATAXE.SK SCKEEXS, From $3 lp. LAR(<E JAPASE.SE l'BRRELLAS Can 1« Set with Pole In the gronnd, niee for Picnics or Lnnehes ont of doors, they ean be opened ont or nsed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IX GKEAT VARIKTY Ile8pectfally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ms C. T. jVKjV£sLV īaiīūP 324 Nuuanu Street jV11 Sviits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. no!7 THE COMMERCIAL SALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu Beretania sts. Honolnla, H. I. The Ouly Sportmg Hoase in Town. O. Jtr*, S. a Specialitv LOHKNOKIN LAGER |BEER, Always on Dr«nght 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ALWAYS on HAND. iultf W. S. LUCE Wine and Sr>irit Merchant . HONOLULU.