Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H\WAvll HOLOtW,\, is rrEUsiiED TCverv Aftemoon ■£jf£i' , r suxdav by the Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Tbomas hlook). Honolulu, H. I. STJ23CP.IP7I3:’. par 2Conth, 50 Cts. Tlu> i’* (ifhv*-r'',l by C,iirier» in Ihe towTJZ *nl>nrb>. Sm E le CV>p.e»(.r S.le at thc N«w* De«lers »uJ at tLe Office of pablic«tion. EDMUND N0RRIE. • - Editor GEORCE E. SUITHIES - Manager XOTICE. All Bu«iue«« CommuT*lc«tions «honhi be «d<iresse.l to George E 8mitlue* HonoInln, H. I. CofTesisinctence and ( onimnuiealiou» !or pnbluaiti»n shonld be addressed to the F/htor Haw&ii Holomna. No noliee will be paid to any aiu*nyu2ou8 commuuioatioiis. Business Cards A. T. PETERSON. attokney at law. Offic«: 113 Kaahnmanu S'reet, Honoluln Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON. attorney aT law. Offic«: 113 Kaahnmaun Str»et, Honolnln liiiwaiiau Islands. PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at law. 314 Merchaut Street, Honolnlu, Mutual 'Polephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, attorney and gounsellob at LAW. Offlce. 01d C«pitol Building, (Honolnln Hale), adjoining Post Offlce, Honolnln. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, attouney at law. Office. coruer King <fc Bethel Sts. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. So. 15 Kaahomanu St., Honoluln Hawaiian Islands. M. H, LOHEIDE, 8K.N akd oenamental PA1NTER. [Hawaiian Hardware Oo.] All orders promptly attended to. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing JevxUr and Watehmaher, loInernj Block. 405 Fort, 8tr. Hoaoinin LEWIS J. LEVEY. Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. ComerJFort and Qneca Stneta, HoaohHn Penonal attention given to Silw of Furnitore, Real £etate, Stock and General Marchandiae.