Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Dr. iTnn:Ki<i:i. M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. K. C. P. (Lond.) AS REMOTED TOOFFICE FORMERLV oocapied by Dr. Foote, Corxkk ok PrXCHBO T. ANt> Berftama STBF.Fri. Mnt. ‘234, B,:S41. jn2!) Im FOK 8ALE. HOHSE aM' LOT AT IWILEĪ. Hosoltlc. E*juire cn the premisei;, or of JOE de SANTOS, i ja‘29ltr Aboard W. O. Hall. \OTICE. All persom are herebv prohibited from tr%spassmg ot t>tViing any thing fmm the lanii of theuadersigued, sitnatedat Muolea, Haua, Lilaml of Maui. MAUA UMALOA. Ealihinkn. t>»hn, Jnue “2S. 1S94. jn‘2a Im FLOUR! -:- To Arrlve Per ss. Arawa, 400 Bbls. Orcgon Flour I.I011 brand, s;icks. A C’ brand, sacks. For AT LOW FIGURES. THE0. H. DAVIES & C0jn‘21 1 w P0l-ND MASTER*S NUTICE. Noti« is herehy given to all pereous, fhat there Ls at the Goverumea: Ponnd at Makiki, two strayed horees. 1 hlaek mare, poorly condition, white spot on the foreheail, bnnd indiscrib;tble on , forefeel were shod. 1 dippled horse, brand indisvribable on the left hip. Any peraon or jter3ons owning tbis mare are reqnested to eome and Any jjers>tn or persons owned these horses nte reqnested to eome tud take the samt' on itt ln;fore 12 o’eloek noon SATCRDAY, JULY 14th, 1834. JAM£S KUKONA, Pt and H«stier. Makiki, June 29th. )}94. 1-w dly. LOST. A FOX TEKRIER LITCH, j answering to the naine of '‘Fatch.” A retvard will be paid for ber recovery at tbe Ancbor Saloon, corner of Nnnanu and Kine -dreets. ?soticē of Xntention to XTorelcse aud of SaleIn acoatduM8 with the provisions of «rtain M"iigage, mnie by KAAIAKALA k) of Pae p*kn, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hit.heoek, ilated Augas: 16. 1890, recorded m Liber 128 on pagvs K6 and 258 and dr v —t- "'. d to Kini Kaeaeholo, dated Octo4-r 9 t JS91. recorded in Liber 126 oa p*ge 25*. No.iee ts hereby giTen that the intcnAs to foreelo«e Ihe sam« for ronditk>i bfofeen to writ: nonp*yment of pnncrp» ajid ic‘.erMt noūee ts Ukewiae given th» after tbe exptration of three weeks from th>. date of this nohee, the propertT conveyec bv said tnortgage wiH be adrertised for saie at pul>Sc auelion at Hilo Conrt Honae on g»mtd*y the 14 day of Jnly, 1894, at 12 nooi» o t sajd S»y. Fnrther particulars ean be had of Kinn*y M. K >ahoo attornev at iaw. Dated. HOo. jnne 18th, 1894. Tmns Caah. Deed» st lbe expense of pnrciJ*er. KINI KANAEHOLO. Tke premtses corered by said mortgmge fonststa of, Th<5 nndiTided iatrest in the land descrtbed in Boyal PaUnt Namber 1028 and more p*rticolarty deecribcd in deed froai g>lnkelekahi to Kaaikala made 4th da y oi Febra»ry. A. D. 1800, recurded in Ltbet 123 n jpag*a 40 snd 41.