Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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London, Jnne 9. Cbief Jostice Coleride. who has been serionsly ill for some time, passed a bad nigbt and is very mneh exhaosted.

Washing»on, Jane 9. Ihe Detnocrat5 of tbq cl«Iegation, | naturaliy eiongh, do not like to admit thl Attorney-General 01nev wai only bluffing and uever inte:ied to push the elaim ae'aināi thd Stanford estate, bnt it is true nevertheless. Olney does not believe that that method of )rocedure will be successful, an«[ has so intimated to Senator H«ar. Provideree, R. I., June 9. Miss HopeGoddard. daughter of Colonel A’illiam Goddard and heir to f*2*|000,000, was married to C. 01ier lselin, son of tbe late milliomire banker Iselin of New York today. | j