Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — The Kamehameha Schools. [ARTICLE]

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The Kamehameha Schools.

________ ' Tbe great eJaci»tional institutiou erected by tiie late Mrs. j Punahi Bisbop closeJ its annual work yesterJay, anJ tbe long j vacation starteJ.Tbe exbibition of ; tbe work Jono Juring tbe past i year proves tbe scbool to be in a j most excellent conJition auJ the ■ pupils bave a most i careful training. Tbe manual j Jepartinent is tbe most iuteresting part of tbe scbools, auJ it a pleasure to notice tbe skilī anJ workm«nsbip of tbe boys. The i j gruJuates go out in life well pre- j pareJ to become useful merabers | of society. The graJuating ex- i ! ercises at tbe Kawaiahao Cburcb i last night were also interesting ; anJ were well receiveJ by tbe large anJience present. Great creJit is due to Mr. RicbarJs, tbe principal anJ his statf of teacbers and assistants.