Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 151, 29 June 1894 — A BIG BLAZE. [ARTICLE]

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The %Valuee Chureh at I.ahaina I.aid in Aahew. The Kinaubrings the news that the old stone church in Lahaina has been destroyed by a fire whieh occurredat noonyesterday. Only the walls are standing, and the interior of the eJifice is totally ruinevl. The origiu of the eonflagration is unknown, bnt it is generally supposed that it was caused by sparks from a burniug pile of rnbbish in the yard. The fewpoorg.’s who belong to the congregation have circulated a report that the blaze was created by an incendiary for the express purpose of “smoking Pali ont” — nobody believes the yam. A Bible, the sacred vessels and a hannonium were saved, but the ! property was demolished. The building is ono of the oldest in the kingdom, and resembled the Kawaiahao church. It is a pity that the old land-mark has been devoured by the dreaded flames, and it is veiy donbtful whether , the smail congregation will ever j have adequate funds to rebuild it.