Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
The coancils met thU after noen. Have yoor foreign mail ready tomorrow morniog. The Monowai has not been sighted a& we go to pres». The Schatzen CIab resolations went into the waste-basket. — Article 7 of the constitution | was LilleJ this morning with one ; vote m»jority. . I “eolonel" Soper wears his uniform when he goes out rifle . practicing. Mr. C. W Ashford will probab- j ly leave for Kaa toraorrow by the j Malalani, on » business trip. Don’t forget the final exercises of tbe Kamehameha schools at j Kawaiahao church to-night. The opening of the Honokaa term of tbe Circuit Court has been postponed for one week. Get booked at Wilder S S.Co.’s office for the Kahulai trip next week and eome up and see the racea. — It is sa d that tue army aud j the apeeial poliee are being in ; creased. What are the afraid of now? It will tako six days before the J.ipanese immigrauts will be allowed to leave the quarautine station. Tlie convention met this moming and kil'ed the article providing f<>r government appeal iu criminal eases. The Oeeanie S. S Co., will have to p»y wharfage and other barbor charges on their steamers ' after tbe lst ot July. Today is coronation d;i} T . Fif ty-six years ago was crowned «s Qaeen of the greatest empire in the world. The “Marryatic” apology of the Advfrti*er is not satisfactorv to the British colony, the re<ljackets and the Minister. The 4th of July shed on J. N Wright’s premises is nearly fin - ished. It will be a very bandsome and large bnilding. Tue convention has adjourned till Satnrday morniug when a third reading. for revision, of the | proposed constitution wiUb„ r h..d ■ Sharpshootors are now prac- j ticing at Makiki at 5 o’eloek iu ihe morning, to the great annoy- ; anee of residents in the noighbor hood. • The rnins of the houses whieh recently were burned down on Kiog street are being rapidly removed, and some ornamental and coospicnoos brick-buildmgs will soon be erected by the owneia, Messrs. Cunha and Ton Holi The citizens of Palama are still complaining because they ean get no water. The department has been,“stopped up” and cannot find wheie the stoppage ia. The jurteeiail well on Joe Nawahi’s premiaee ie a god-send to those wrbo nee ihe hennleee fiuid.