Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Advert»ser who ostohes a persons eye nsaally wins a cnstomer. Many different styles of advertising have been adopted . aud witb more or less success, by the believers in ihe use of printers ink. The in«nufactnrere of Pears Sonp, for instance. occasion ally bny paintings th.it have beēn on exhibitiou in the Pan’a Salon and have litbograpbs madd from them for the pnrpose of bringing tbeir pnnl ict before the people. In addition to saoh side issues. Pear's|>ends hnndreds thoasamLs of do!lars annmlly among the newspapere and tnag- , azinos. Some yeare ago the Agents I of certain artic!e on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by baving on Bro«dway during bnsiness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroeswearingvery higbcollare, on the backs of whieh was printed “Use Smiths Pills.’ * The idea was novel and the pnhlie canght on. Rising §nn Stove Pohsh has been kept before the puhlie for years through persistent, and sometimes expen-ive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the raanufacturere of this polish started half a dozen men acrosstbe oruirnent to pamt signs j- on rocks and fences. Tbe Aermotor Oo., of Cbicago have increased its sales more thau five 1 huudred per cent iu two years by the use of printers ink. We believe we have been iuahnmeu- | t.il in incrcanng the sdes of tlie Aeraotor by keepiugeverlastiogly at it iu llaw iii. We do not wish to say that advertisiug will sell auy ioanufactnrcd artic!e; thera is no use j spending money in advertisiug j “eheap anil nasty’’ goods bo- , cuuse tlie people will not be hoodvvinked. If Haviland Ohina was not the superior uriicle it is. aii our advertising of it wouhl uot * have sold the tbonsandsof pieeea that we have. Wo simply eall the atteution of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the cnstomer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has belped the sale oftheJames Locked Penee but i it would not h ive donesso if it had been as flimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in building it recotnmemi.s it to the plantation manager and then its durabilitv clinches tho the sale If the stays and w.t,sherscost as mueh as an ordiuary I redwood post our sales of the material vrould not have reached , such enonnou» proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a dav the }ear ronnd. lf was not the best iron stove on the market we wonld not sell that many m six montbs. Advertising is the tip to the pnbl;c the good points in the article sells it jnst as the goml i qualities of the Fiscber Steel i Kange make it a desirable article 1 f<>r people who wish toeconomi.se | in the nse of fnel. bny only wbat has proven | g«XHl after people i n Uie L’nited I States or Furope Lave given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we buv and seli them; if they are pooV westeerclear of them. When we »dvertise an article it is to attract attentioo to it; the newspaper ; h the bntton we pash, the salesman does the rest. | Persistent advertising conpled l with the irt cle being a snperior ' one has sold tboosamls of the Frank Walcot Eraory File. If it had been no better tban an ordtnary scytha stone we probably woola not bave sold tweuty. When a man finds oot tbat his table knives may be keptsharp at all times at an expense of fifty cents and a very little elbow greaae he is qnite willing to trj' tha expenment. Tk Ma Mim Ci > 807 Fort 8treet